Getting My New Shop Set Up

Getting My New Shop Set Up

We finally got a house! Actually it was a few months ago and in the meantime we have been very busy getting the house renovated and the shop set up.

interior of My Blacksmith Shop

This two car garage is the largest shop that I have ever had! We upgraded the electrical, added windows, insulated and added led lighting. We have also invested in new shop tools including, a forging press from coal iron, a power hammer from fiery furnace forge, a grinder from ameribrade, and finally a forge from Chile forge

Our first craftshow

We are still primarily selling on Etsy and unfortunately sales have been very down this year despite working constantly to improve listings and add products. I don't know what the rest of this year will look like, as its likely that I will have to pivot in order to keep selling. We experimented with a few local crafts shows, perhaps we will double down on them and also some local shows.

We really appreciate the support,  we are praying for more opportunities!

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